Serenity is a beautiful-sounding virtue name that will give the name bearer a glowing and mature personality. But the name is incomplete without a stunning middle name, and this is where we pitch in.
Continue scrolling to get some fabulous middle names for Serenity that suit perfectly.

Origin and Meaning of Serenity
Serenity is a feminine name with roots in French and Latin. It originated from the Latin word Serenus and was adapted by French as Serenite and English as Serene.
Serenity is thus an extension of the word Serene, meaning peaceful and calm. This term particularly describes weather or environment; however, it is also used to depict feeling or a state of mind.
List of best middle names for Serenity
This mature and rather trendy name needs simple and elegant middle names. This article will suggest a range of traditional, popular, and unisex middle names for this moniker.
Traditional middle names perfect for Serenity
Serenity is a somber and mature name with calm vibes. A classical middle name will give some depth to this virtue name. You can choose from the carefully crafted list below.
- Serenity Abigail {Hebrew}-Father’s rejoice
- Serenity Agnes {Greek}-Pure, holy
- Serenity Agatha {Greek}-Good
- Serenity Catherine {Greek}-Pure
- Serenity Clara {Latin}-Bright and clear
- Serenity Colleen {Irish & American}-Country woman
- Serenity Eleanora {Greek}-Sunray, shining light
- Serenity Elizabeth {Hebrew}-God is my oath
- Serenity Esther {Persian}-Star
- Serenity Florence {Latin}-Flowering, in bloom
- Serenity Georgia {English}-Farmer
- Serenity Grace {English}-Gracious one
- Serenity Joy {Latin}-Happiness
- Serenity Joyce {Latin}-Lord
- Serenity June {Latin}-Month of June
- Serenity Leona {Latin}-Lion
- Serenity Linda {Spanish}-Pretty
- Serenity Louise {German}-Famous warrior
- Serenity Myra {Sanskrit}-Admirable
- Serenity Mabel {Latin}-Lovable
- Serenity Nora {Latin}-Honorable one
- Serenity Opal {Indian (Sanskrit)}-Gem, jewel
- Serenity Pearl {Latin}-Pearl
- Serenity Stella {Latin}-Celestial star
- Serenity Sarah {Hebrew}-Princess
- Serenity Victoria {Latin}-Victory
- Serenity Violet {English}-Violet flower
- Serenity Vivien {Latin}-Lively
- Serenity Winifred {Welsh}-Fair and Pure
Popular and unique middle names perfect for Serenity
Serenity is a popular yet mellow name, and you can pair it with a funky and trendy middle name to increase its repertoire. A popular name will give more color to this name.
- Serenity Audrey {English}-Noble strength
- Serenity Autumn {Latin}-Fall Season
- Serenity Bay {French}-Auburn-haired
- Serenity Beth {Hebrew}-God is my oath
- Serenity Belle {French}-Beautiful
- Serenity Berkley (Scottish)-Birch tree meadow
- Serenity Chloe {Greek}-Blooming
- Serenity Dale {English}-Small valley
- Serenity Dawn {English}-word name
- Serenity Faith {English}-Virtue name; To trust
- Serenity Giselle {French, German}-To pledge
- Serenity Isabel {Spanish}-Devoted to God
- Serenity Jess {Hebrew}-The lord exists
- Serenity Juliet {English}-Youthful
- Serenity Juniper {Latin}-Young, Evergreen
- Serenity Kate {Greek}-Pure
- Serenity Kay {Greek}-Pure, Rejoice
- Serenity Lenora {Greek}-Sunray, shining light
- Serenity Lux {Latin}-Light
- Serenity Mae {English}-Pearl, the month of May
- Serenity Myrtle {Latin}-Evergreen Shrub
- Serenity Natalia {French}-Birthday, Christmas
- Serenity Nevada {Spanish}-Snow-covered
- Serenity Nell {English}-Shining light
- Serenity North {English}-Geographical direction
- Serenity Olivia {Latin}-Olive tree
- Serenity Ophelia {Greek}-Help
- Serenity Paige {English}-Young Servant
- Serenity Winona {Sioux}-First-born daughter
Unisex middle names that go with serenity
Unisex middle names are appropriate for both genders. It has more names that are gender-neutral. The unisex middle names listed below match to this name.
- Serenity Aspen {English}-From the tree
- Serenity Blaine {Gaelic}-Yellow, blonde hair
- Serenity Brooke {English}-Water or small stream
- Serenity James {Hebrew}-Supplanter
- Serenity Jayden {Hebrew}-Thankful one
- Serenity Maxwell {Scottish}-Great stream
- Serenity Morgan {English}-Great brightness
- Serenity Noel {French}-Christmas
- Serenity Piper {English}-From pipe player
- Serenity Tate {English}-Cheerful
- Serenity Wesley {English}-Western meadow
- Serenity Wren {English}-Small brown songbird
Why should you give a middle name to your baby?
Names and their initials significantly impact the judgment and overall life of individuals.
Tilgur and Igou (2014) conducted a series of research studies to assess the impact of having multiple middle names on research authors’ social status. The scientists came up with the following inferences.
People with middle names are better writers, intellectuals, and well-informed. They tend to be wealthy and educated.
Tips for choosing a middle name for Luna
Below are some tips you can follow while giving middle names to your baby.
1. Family tradition
Some families have baby-naming traditions, such as using the same middle name or honoring a deceased member. Before searching, discuss any traditions.
2. Determine your style
Choose a classical or modern first name and middle name.
3. Say it out loud
Pronounce a middle name in different tones and ways. This will show you how it sounds and should be music to your ears.
4. You can select two middle names
Both parents may have sentimental attachments to different baby names. You can choose two middle names to avoid conflict.
5. Enjoy the process
It’s challenging to choose a name. Both partners should enjoy it. Step back, breathe deeply, and relax if you’re stressed.
Popularity of the name Serenity
Although this name has been around for centuries, it first appeared on the popularity charts of the USA’s social security administration in 1997. After that, it rode up the popularity charts and made its way into the top 100 most famous names in the USA.
In 2021 it was the 85th most popular name among girls, and 3038 girls were given this name. Despite being so popular, this name never feels too beat up, and you are unlikely to find too many girls named Serenity in your circle.
Different ways to spell this name
The spellings of this name are perfect, and if you twist these, your child will always have a red line under her name while typing. So I suggest retaining the original spellings of this name.
Serenity is a wonderful name perfect for your little princess, and we hope this article helped you find the name you are looking for your little one.
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